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Ergonomic assessments

Published: April 14, 2020

Back In Motion are now offering ergonomic assessments at your home to ensure that you have a good workstation setup that will help to prevent injuries.

Over the last few weeks, we have noticed an increase in clients coming into our clinics with work related injuries from having an incorrect workstation setup at home. To help prevent injuries from occurring, our Physiotherapists are now offering ergonomic assessments at home, a new service that can benefit both individuals and organisations of all sizes.

We will provide a copy of the assessment for you to keep and pass on to your HR department which can assist with OHS compliance for home offices. A home ergonomic assessment is a small price to pay to ensure the safety of you or your staff and to help avoid work-related injuries at home.

Some common indicators that you may need an ergonomic assessment include:

  • Hand or wrist pain
  • Stiff shoulders and headaches
  • Sore lower back
  • Tight hips

Your assessment will be completely tailored to your job and personal requirements. Your individual needs as an administrator may require a two screen set up; a graphic designer may require a bigger screen and laptop and an accountant may require a number pad. Whatever role you play within your company, we will assess you accordingly.

We ensure that enhanced COVID-19 infection control measures are in place when our Physio enters your home. Please feel free to contact your nearest practice to discuss these measures with us and to find out how an ergonomic assessment can be of benefit to you and/or your business.

A reminder we are running Telehealth consultations via videoconference if you would prefer to have your ergonomic assessment conducted by this platform. 

In the meantime, here are a couple of tips from our Physios to get you thinking about your workstation setup and habits at home.

  • Watch that phone! Do you spend a lot of time on the phone? Keep your phone in easy reach and try and use a hands-free option where possible.
  • MOVE! Remember to move during the day - take regular breaks and don't forget to stretch. Movement is often reduced when working from  home as we no longer have to walk to the car/train station/office and we don't duck out to get coffees or walk to meetings. Keep an eye on your daily steps and try to set a reminder to get up and move (walk, stretch or exercise) every 30-60mins.
  • Relax! Although it may feel strange and different initially, optimal desk setup should feel easy and encourage a more relaxed posture once you become accustomed to it.
To enquire about organising an ergonomic assessment for your home workstation, or on behalf of your business, please contact us on 8365 7966.

Keep safe and look after yourselves,
Back In Motion Campbelltown