First we ask questions to find out what led to the onset of your symptoms, and to discover exactly what you want to achieve by seeing us.
Then we perform some physical tests to reveal:
- the body part that's injured or under increased stress
- alignment issues that are putting pressure on the painful body part
- tight muscles, stiff joints or tight nerves that are putting pressure on the painful body part
- postural/core control or movement flaws that mean your injured body part keeps getting stressed
- weak muscles that expose your painful body part to ongoing pressure and therefore pain.
Once we've done this, we can come up with a tailored management plan to help you resolve the specific issues with your body. This will not only lead to a resolution of your pain, but a stronger and fitter and healthier body, and a return to what matters most to you!
Our assessments are free with no obligation then commence treatment, so you can make a fully informed decision about what is best for you and your body.
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