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Why is Rehab not just important, but VITAL?

Published: June 28, 2019

What is Rehab?

Rehab is probably the most vital step in the treatment pathway. Without it - the underlying cause of a problem is not addressed. People commonly think drug rehab, or alcohol rehab - but here, we are talking physical rehabilitation.

You have pain - and get a massage. It feels good for a little bit and then the pain comes back. You decide to see a physio - again the first step is to reduce the pain - not just with massage, but with joint mobilisations, manipulation, taping, dry needling or another treatment. From there - you SHOULD be offered REHAB.

Our clinical philosophy is to treat the underlying cause - and not just the symptoms. Most injuries and pain occurs becuase of a reason - and most of the time this is weakness, tightness or poor technique (lifting, sitting). If we treat just the symptoms and reduce the pain, then the pain will inevitably come back becuase the underlying symptoms are still present. The strength, tightness or poor technique hasn't been addressed. This is true of most injuries and problems that we see - for example, back pain comes back 80% of the time, but with proper rehab, that risk is reduced to only 23%! This is also why the advice of 'rest and see how it goes' is very poor and will lead to ongoing issues.

There has also been talk in the media this week about the benefit of rehab and exercise over medications. Again, medications don't treat the underlying cause of the problem - you feel ok when taking the medications, but the pain comes back when you stop. Instead of seeking appropriate rehab, people fall into the problem of depending on the medication leading to further issues and expense.

Rehab also needs to be progressed appropriately. Often, exercises will start basic and involve small movements. As you get better, the exercises also have to get harder so that your body is used to the demands that are placed on it every day. With injury, the capacity of the muscles to accommodate the demands of every day life (from lifting weights at the gym, to gardening, to walking and standing up) reduces and needs to be built up again. Not only does this need to meet your daily demands, it needs to exceed your daily demands so that your body will always have something left in the tank. If this pathway isn't followed, there is again, a heightened risk of re-injury.

Our rehab services are very comprehensive and will suit everyone. From Over 55's classes at the local community centre, to exercise physiology run group classes at local gyms, to hydrotherapy, to small groups of clinical exercise there is an option that will give you the best outcome.

You can book online here or call the clinic on 95801985 to have a FREE Initial Assessment with a physio or exercise physiologist to devise the rehab program that suits you.