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Stage 4 Restrictions: PHYSIO UPDATE

Published: August 10, 2020

Thank you for your understanding as we continue to navigate through this challenging time. We are constantly amazed by the strength and unity of the inner west and greater Melbourne community.

With stage 4 restrictions in place across metropolitan Melbourne from the 2nd of August we, like all in the allied health industry, have been required to make changes to the way we practice. These measures are in place to protect our valued clients, our staff members and the community. Put quite simply by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) ‘this is about saving lives’.

As a result, we have tried to address the common concerns regarding your ongoing physiotherapy care below:

Can I attend my scheduled session?
We have received clear communication from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and AHPRA over the past 48hrs which has confirmed the following about your ongoing physiotherapy care with us:

  • Routine services are not permitted.
  • ALL group clinical exercise classes will cease immediately.
  • To assist in determining if you meet the criteria for face to face sessions: Care must only be provided if the absence of, or delay of this care, would result in a significant change/deterioration of functional independence necessitating escalation of care (e.g. a requirement for specialist input/review, an increase in care needs and/or alternate accommodation, avoiding a hospital admission or emergency department presentation).
  • You do not require a medical referral to attend your physiotherapy session if your condition meets the criteria above.

So, what happens from here?
In the next 48Hrs your physiotherapist will be giving you a phone call to discuss your recent progress and determine the most appropriate management plan for the duration of the stage 4 restrictions. This will include a simple questionnaire to assist in determining if face to face sessions are required. Alternative treatment plan options include access to Telehealth sessions and use of our exercise prescription program - Physitrack.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding. If this information does not address any of your concerns please don’t hesitate to contact the practice directly.

We look forward to getting through this together as a community and resuming our full services to help you move and feel better.
Ian and the team at Back in Motion Braybrook