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Liptember: Supporting Women’s Mental Health

Published: September 4, 2020

Mental health is a fundamental aspect of overall health. Eating well is a key contributor to good mental health across the lifespan. Research indicates that mothers who eat well during pregnancy are less likely to have children with poor mental health1. A large study investigating the health outcomes associated with a Mediterranean style diet indeed demonstrated that adopting a Mediterranean diet can lead to a reduced incidence of depression2. Large population-based studies further confirmed that diet and mental health are inextricably linked, finding that improving mental health in women reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke3.

So, what does this mean in terms of tangible, dietary changes women can implement to improve their mental health? The principles of the Mediterranean diet are founded upon eating lots of fresh and in-season fruits and vegetables, moderate amounts of meat, dairy and other animal products, lots of fish, olive oil and legumes, and small amounts of red wine. Simply put, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, eating minimally processed foods and moderating saturated fat intake are all good things for ensuring good mental health.

To find out more on how to incorporate a Mediterranean type diet into your lifestyle, book in with our dietitian, Carly.


  1. Jacka F, Ystrom E, Brantsaeter A, Karevold E, Roth C, Haugen M et al. Maternal and Early Postnatal Nutrition and Mental Health of Offspring by Age 5 Years: A Prospective Cohort Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2013;52(10):1038-1047.
  2. Ros E. The PREDIMED study. Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición. 2017;64(2):63-66.
  3. Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ôunpuu S, Dans T, Avezum A, Lanas F et al. Effect of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with myocardial infarction in 52 countries (the INTERHEART study): case-control study. The Lancet. 2004;364(9438):937-952.