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What do dietitians actually do?

Published: August 7, 2020

This is a question Carly gets all the time! Dietitians work in a range of settings to help people optimise their nutrition. Some work in hospitals, helping the sickest patients get back on their feet; others work in government or within large food companies, advising on policy and food formulation; some work in private practice or in community settings, helping a range of clients to eat well, whilst others may work in sporting organisations.  

Dietitians must practice evidence-based nutrition, interpreting scientific studies and guidelines to provide clients with safe and effective care. They are required to complete continuous learning to remain up to date with the literature and guidelines, ensuring their clients receive the best care possible.

Therefore, dietitians are bound by ethical guidelines which means that they cannot recommend interventions for which there is no evidence. They also cannot promote their services via testimonials and are required to act within the parameters set out by Dietitians Australia (if they are members).

For our very own dietitian, Carly, her passion is helping people build a healthy relationship with food and their bodies, to achieve a balanced lifestyle and to reduce chronic disease risk. She loves watching and helping her clients develop new, healthy behaviours that will last a lifetime and debunking nutrition myths!

Dietitians are able to help with a number of conditions affected by nutrition, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, eating disorders, severe epilepsy, weight management, kidney disease, cancers, food allergies and intolerances, and the list goes on! If you need help with your nutrition, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Carly for help, guidance or to work closely alongside to achieve your goals!