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Comparing injury management with Chiropractic, Physio and Massage

Prevention involves adopting a holistic approach to health and addressing lifestyle factors that contribute to injury risk

Here at Back in Motion Cranbou

How to have a pain-free Christmas

Here at Back in Motion Cranbourne, our physios recommend these four tips to help you have a healthy and pain-free Christmas.

spinal claudication

What is Spinal Claudication?

If you have lower back pain referring down to your lower limbs, spinal claudication could be one of conditions.

bone health

A Comprehensive Approach to Bone Health: The Role of Chiropractors, Remedial Massage Therapists and Physiotherapists

Maintaining optimal bone health is essential for a vibrant and active life.

chiropractic and physiotherapy

Comparing and Contrasting Chiropractic and Physiotherapy

At Back in Motion, Cranbourne we offer both chiropractic and physiotherapy. These are two distinct healthcare professions that focus on improving musculoskeletal health and function.

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