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bone health

A Comprehensive Approach to Bone Health: The Role of Chiropractors, Remedial Massage Therapists and Physiotherapists

Maintaining optimal bone health is essential for a vibrant and active life.

chiropractic and physiotherapy

Comparing and Contrasting Chiropractic and Physiotherapy

At Back in Motion, Cranbourne we offer both chiropractic and physiotherapy. These are two distinct healthcare professions that focus on improving musculoskeletal health and function.


Chiropractic Management of Concussion: A Holistic Approach to Recovery

Concussions are a common form of traumatic brain injury (TBI) that can result from various accidents, sports-related injuries, or falls.


Dealing with Migraines? Here Are The Best Treatments to Ease the Pain!

A headache lasting between 4 and 72 hours, a throbbing pain in the head, light sensitivity, nausea…. If you have experienced any of these symptoms you know I’m talking about migraines.

acute sciatica management and

Acute sciatica management and prevention

Do you suffer from pain that radiates down your back, glutes, and legs? You may be suffering from a condition known as sciatica.

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