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Clinical Exercise - Why you should consider joining our classes

Published: March 25, 2021

CLINICAL EXERCISE - Why it could be for you!


Clinical Exercise, or Clinical Pilates as it has also been known, is a great way to exercise whether as part of a injury rehab program, or as a stand alone fitness regime. We are continuing to provide Clinical Exercise classes, now with a maximum of two people per class, and our new roster of classes is up and running once again. These rehab classes are supervised by one of our expert Physiotherapists, and they will ensure you get maximum benefit from your sessions. Each participant will have their own, individualised program that has been pre-prepared by their treating therapist, to complete during the sessions. So, unlike some classes you may have completed before, not everyone in the class is doing the same exercise at the same time. We do it this way so that you gain maximum benefit from the exercise as it's specific to your injury or your fitness goals. 

Your Clinical Exercise programme is designed to target your individual needs. Whether you are getting pain working at home, have an old or existing injury that is causing you problems, having issues completing a task, or have a medical condition that requires regular exercise to help minimise its effects (stiffness, fatigue, pain, muscle atrophy, balance deficits), Clinical Exercise is for you. A thorough assessment is required to develop an initial individualised Clinical Exercise programme. This is designed to be progressed overtime, as your body adapts the exercises to ensure you continue to improve and work towards your goals.

Here at Back In Motion, Melbourne On Collins we use a range of equipment for your Clinical Exercise programme and adjust it to suit your needs. This programme may target cardiovascular fitness, pain, flexibility, mobility, balance, stability and/or strength. We have large variety of equipment including but not limited to: Smith Machine, Squat Rack, Weight lifting area, Cable Machine, Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Pilates Reformers, Pilates Trap table, Pilates Wunderchair, Powerbands, Theraband loops and ribbon, Exercise ball, Foam rollers, Trigger Point balls, Treadmill and Exercycle.


Contact us now at Back In Motion, Melbourne On Collins, if you would like to participate in 1 on 1 Clinical Exercise session or are keen to join one of our classes.