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My Upper Back is Painful

Published: August 28, 2020

Postural thoracic pain


The 12 vertebrae starting at the base of your neck down to the middle of your back are referred to as the thoracic spine. Being at the centre of your spine and your body, it is influenced by many other areas of your body. Postural thoracic pain is pain that comes on or is caused by sitting or standing. Sometimes it is felt in these sedentary positions, other times it could be felt trying to move out of the position or doing a different activity (i.e. bending over).


It is the single most common area to have pain referred here from a non-musculoskeletal source, meaning it can be caused by many organs and therefore when we assess this area it is important to have a fairly lengthy interview to determine if Physiotherapy is appropriate for you. Back In Motion, Melbourne on Collins are experts in assessment of this area, and will carry out a Free Initial Assessment to make sure the pain is musculoskeletal in nature.


We are going to focus on the musculoskeletal cause of postural thoracic pain. The thoracic spine has many similarities to the lower back in relation to contributing factors or causes. Below is a list of possibilities:

  • The thoracic spine likes movement. Therefore being sedentary is likely a big contributing factor here.
  • Poor posture which could include: forward head posture, rounded or raised shoulders, slouched position, not sitting square on.
  • Poor ergonomics. Having your desk too high or low will create added tension to this area
  • Stress
  • Poor breathing techniques which could be related to stress, a medical condition or posture.


In the treatment of postural thoracic pain, having a good understanding of how it came about is the first key part. We are then able to determine the key self-management strategies or things you can do to help resolve the pain at home. Mobilisation, manipulation, massage, stretches and strengthening is all part of the treatment process to reduce the pain or stiffness and can be taught to you to do yourself at home. Being thrust into non-ideal work stations or not having the ideal set-up at work/ home can also be a big factor in the commencement of new Thoracic pain. Particularly if you were previously quite active and have been unable to partake in these activities; eg. tennis or golf; due to COVID-19, you may find that your spine has really stiffened up due to the reduction in rotational exercise. 


If you are experiencing thoracic postural pain or stiffness, and are unable to get on top of the symptoms yourself, contact Back In Motion, Melbourne on Collins for a Free Initial Assessment to get you started on your journey to a pain free happy life.