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[Video] Physio’s Tips for Controlling Your Weight

Published: 22 October 2014 - Physio Tips, Wellbeing

What effect does carrying excess weight have on your body?

Excess weight puts your body under a great deal of unnecessary pressure. Hear exactly how a few extra kilograms can be detrimental to your health, and how to effectively control your weight in the video below:

Back In Motion partners with Regal Sleep Solutions to present this health and wellness series linking to Back In Motion found and physio, Jason T Smith's best-selling book, Get Yourself Back In Motion.

Check out other instructional videos on our YouTube channel.


Transcript: Physio's Tips for Controlling Your Weight

Have you given much thought lately to the growing problem of obesity in Australia?

Anybody who's carrying excess weight are putting more strain through their joints. It's far more difficult to hold neutral posture.

They're certainly at higher risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and just generally they cannot move well enough in life to enjoy everything that they probably want to. 10.8 million Australians are considered overweight, and obesity is the fifth largest indicator of death, so we need to do something about this. There are a lot of ways that we can help manage excess weight.

One really practical suggestion is start managing your hunger on a score between zero and 10. Never let yourself get more hungry than a seven out of 10, and never let yourself feel too empty below a three out of 10.

If you can manage yourself between those ranges and eat quality, healthy food over an extended number of meals in the day, you're going to find managing your weight a lot easier.