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Get Back to Sport and Exercise with Clinical Exercise

Published: 07 May 2014 - Fitness and Training, Injury Treatment and Prevention

Whether you follow Aussie Rules football or not, it's hard not to see on the news, read in the paper or overhear a conversation about Chris Judd's hamstring and injury riddled body!

“Judd's finished”, “He's too old”, “He came back too early”, and “Why did Mick Malthouse unnecessarily risk him” are all phrases we have probably seen, read or heard in the last week. So what is the reason Chris Judd did his hamstring? Was it lack of match fitness, bad luck, or simply old age? Only the Carlton Football Club medical team will know the exact reasons, but it is probably a mix of all of these reasons and a couple more.

Old age is a reason many of my clients put down to their injuries and general aches and pains. And whilst some of them may be right, people from ages 25 through to 95 use that very same reason.

So how old is too old for playing sport or indeed exercising on a regular basis?

The obvious answer is YOU ARE NEVER TOO OLD FOR EXERCISE! Of course you need to be smart about what exercise you do, at what intensity and how often, but the age old saying about old age “I'm getting too old for this…” just isn't true.

If you are thinking about starting an exercise regime, or would like to prepare for a return to sport after a long lay-off, my best recommendation is Clinical Exercise. In the last 10 years of my career it has become increasingly obvious through my own experience and now through clinical research that Clinical Exercise isn't just the best form of exercise to manage injuries it is also the most effective exercise regime to PREVENT injuries. This is achieved through improved core stability, better muscle tone and posture, greater body awareness and efficiency, increased flexibility and better nervous system function.

Best of all Clinical Exercise is low impact and can be applied to any person regardless of their age, previous exercise experience, or current physical capability. Our Clinical Exercise is run by fully qualified Physiotherapists and can be tailored to any health and fitness goals.

So whether you are hoping to run a marathon this year, reduce your golf handicap, start a gym membership, get back to gardening, or even prolong your AFL career, book a Free Initial Assessment to discuss all of the options Back In Motion has available to help you achieve your goals.

Anthony Belcher - Physiotherapist and Director, Back In Motion Sydenham