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What is VALD Assessment Technology?

Our VALD assessment equipment is state-of-the-art assessment technology, which can assess anything from the specific strength of isolated muscles, to the force produced with a jump, and more

Boom bust

Boom and Bust

Boom and bust happens when an individual overloads themselves too quickly. Effectively the BOOM is doing lots of an activity in a short space of time and the BUST is when the body can’t keep up


What is Cupping Therapy?

Cupping therapy is believed to help alleviate symptoms by enhancing blood circulation near the skin's surface and boosting immune function.


Allergy Season: The Ultimate Pelvic Floor Test

As allergy season rolls in, many of us brace ourselves for sneezing, congestion, and that persistent itch. But did you know that allergies can also impact your pelvic floor health?


Vestibular Dysfunction and Physiotherapy

All Physiotherapists are trained to diagnose and treat some form of vestibular dysfunction… And guess what… It can be a very quick and effective treatment.

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