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  1. Physios guide to exercise for older adults

    Exercise for Older Adults

    - Fitness and Training, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Senior’s Physio, Wellbeing

    You’ve probably heard the phrase “use it or lose it” more than enough times throughout your life, and when it comes to exercising in our later years, it’s an important phrase to remember!

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  2. [VIDEO] Health is a Journey, not a Destination

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Wellbeing

    Back In Motion Health Group + Regal Sleep Solutions Wellness Series: Episode 1: There’s a difference between feeling ok and feeling well. Many of us accept not being sick to be ‘wellness’.

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  3. Back In Motion Balwyn Launch Event

    Back In Motion Balwyn Launch Event

    - Business Updates

    On Friday 25 July, Victoria’s newest practice Back In Motion Balwyn celebrated their opening holding an evening launch event.

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  4. Treating Benign Paroxysmal Position Vertigo

    What is BPPV? (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo)

    - Injury Treatment and Prevention, Wellbeing

    Do you ever have “a dizzy spell” when rolling over in bed, getting up too quickly from your chair at work, looking down at your feet or looking up where it just feels as though the room is spinning, when you are actually standing or laying still?

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  5. Benefits of cross training

    12 Benefits of Cross Training

    - Fitness and Training

    It’s good understand that whatever sport or exercise you choose to engage in, there are specific areas of the body which will be placed under more stress or repetitive load and the injuries that may result as a consequence of this. Cross training – or exposing your body to several types of exercise – can improve performance for an athlete of any level.

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