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  1. Illiotibial Band Friction Syndrome

    - Clinical Conditions, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Pain Management

    The illiotibial band is a sheath of thick, fibrous connective tissue that attaches to the top of your pelvis and runs down the outside of the thigh, crossing the knee joint and attaching to the shin bone.

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  2. Lumbar Spine Instability

    - Clinical Conditions, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Pain Management

    The lumbar spine consists of 5 bones (vertebrae) at the bottom end of the spine. Those 5 bones interact with each other via a total of 30 individual joints, have countless ligaments attaching to them, and also have up to 10 different spinal muscle groups that contribute to their movement.

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  3. Knee - Meniscal Tear

    - Clinical Conditions, Fitness and Training, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Pain Management

    The menisci are two crescent shaped cartilage discs that sit between the bones of the knee, called the lateral meniscus and medial meniscus. These structures help to provide your knee with stability and shock-absorption during weight bearing activities.

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  4. Neck Sprain

    - Clinical Conditions, Injury Treatment and Prevention, Pain Management

    The neck consists of seven bones called vertebrae. Each vertebra is separated from the others by discs, stabilised by joints and ligaments and moved by muscles.

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  5. Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

    - Clinical Conditions, Women’s Health

    Your pelvic floor is made up of a layer of muscles and other tissues that stretch from your pubic bone at the front, to your tailbone at the back and sit at the base of your pelvis.

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