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Ankle Sprain

What is ankle sprains?

An ankle sprain has occurred when an ankle twists, causing damage to one of it’s supporting ligaments.

tennis elbow

Talking Tennis Elbow

While the term ‘tennis elbow' is used because this is a common injury for tennis players, anyone who performs repetitive tasks with their hands and wrists can be susceptible.

Osteoarthritis is often seen a

Osteoarthritis is often seen as a kind of death sentence for joints.

The Surprising Truth about Osteoarthritis Sufferers of knee pain know that nothing can kill your optimism for a recovery faster than a diagnosis of Osteoarthritis.

AFL Sports trainer

A Day in the Life of an AFL Sport Trainer

Ever wondered what else Sports Trainers do other than sprint across the field to keep players hydrated? Find out from our team member Emily on what her AFL game day looks like...


A focus on our own health

We all face low mood time to time. Read More on how we started to focus on our mood and recognised our physical symptoms.

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