Injury Treatment and Prevention
What Are Core Muscles And What Do They Do?
To plank or not to plank? That is the question!
As physiotherapists, it is common for us to ask a patient if they have done Clinical Exercise before. The answer we usually hear is as follows.
The Pelvic Floor Part 2: Kegel Exercises for Urinary Incontinence
In part one of our pelvic floor exercise series, we discussed what the pelvic floor is, how to exercise it and who needs to do pelvic floor exercises!
Why You Absolutely Must Take Lower Back Pain Seriously
As a physiotherapist, I see people everyday with varying ailments one of the most common of which, is lower back pain. If you’re like most people, you probably try a few remedies yourself to alleviate lower back pain before seeking out professional, expert help - but here is why next time you have an aching back, you might want to seek help sooner.
Get Back to Sport and Exercise with Clinical Exercise
Whether you follow Aussie Rules football or not, it’s hard not to see on the news, read in the paper or overhear a conversation about Chris Judd’s hamstring and injury riddled body! How could Clinical Exercise help him get back on the field and help you get back to what you love doing?
The Pelvic Floor Part 1: What it is and who needs to exercise it
We’ve all heard about it, we’ve all been told we need to exercise it, but do we really know what it is? What it does? And whether we’re doing the exercises correctly?