Fitness and Training
Healthy Bones Action Week
Our bone’s health is vital for us to be able to continue to do what we love, yet it is so easy for us to neglect our bones.
How Tracy and I took on the Oscars 100 Hut 2 Hut challenge
For those who don’t know it, Hut2Hut is one of the hardest ultramarathon events in Australia, it’s completed over 55 hours, 100km and 5700m of ascending including 10 summit climbs around the alpine region of Mount Buller.
Whether you’re a powerlifter or just starting out - the 7 steps to safely lift
You may not realise it, but we all lift every day – and have the potential to seriously injure ourselves if we don’t do it safely.
Your ultimate guide to New Year’s resolutions
The New Year is here! Have you put some thought into creating New Year’s resolutions?